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The Dream, The Mission, and The Moonlight Wanderer

Jun 30

2 min read




Photo Credit to Leo_Visions on Unsplash

When I was younger, I had the dream to change the world. How wonderful it would be, I thought, to make an incredible impact, and to know that I had made it. 

However, in the years that followed, God began to humble my dream. Instead of chasing my grand plans and impressive feats, I felt God nudging me again and again to turn first to Him for guidance and wisdom. For I was reminded that, before I change the world, I had to first figure out what I was living for.

And I thought to myself: What am I living for?

What is the purpose life?

To find the answer to that question, I had to slow down. Initially, I believed that the purpose of my life was to do as much good as possible and to be as happy as I could doing it. Yet, overtime, as I sought a deeper purpose in life, I began to trust more and more in God’s path for me, even when it veered beyond my sight. For God is the Maker of the stars, the King of light, and the Giver of life.

When He placed it in my heart to start this little blog, I wanted to share an honest perspective of my journey. I aim to write from the depths of my thoughts, my struggles, and my beliefs. On The Moonlight Wanderer, you’ll find posts on poetic musings on life, on writing, and on storytelling, among other categories that have touched my heart. My hope is that each post will be encouraging, inspiring, and beautiful. 

I set out not to shake the world with my words, but to touch your life in some small yet wonderful way – perhaps lightening your heart, or bringing a smile to your face, or drawing you closer to God, reminding you that you are not alone. 

Come join my on this journey, as the Maker of the stars writes both of our stories.


Jun 30

2 min read




Comments (6)

Jul 02

So happy for you Julie!

Moonlight Wanderer
Moonlight Wanderer
Jul 07
Replying to

Thanks! :)


Jul 01

I love your new site, Julie! It's so perfectly you, and I'm very excited to see all the words you write here!

Moonlight Wanderer
Moonlight Wanderer
Jul 02
Replying to

Thanks so much, Amelie! <3


Autumn Padgett
Autumn Padgett
Jul 01

That's beautiful, Julie! And I love your blog, it's so captivatingly gorgeous. I'm in love with the stars theme! I'm so happy for you. 💙

Moonlight Wanderer
Moonlight Wanderer
Jul 01
Replying to

Thank you, Autumn! Your support means a lot. I'm so glad you like it!

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